Monday, August 6, 2012

Thoughts in Marketing Convergence

What is Marketing Convergence? During the discussion in our class, it is the merging of the markets and technology aspects. This is how technology existing right now. Most of the businessmen got success through marketing convergence. This is a practical application of all aspects of E-Commerce and Internet Marketing to valuable and interest thing. Today internet is very useful in marketing for online business and a lot more.

Using the internet the companies could market their products and services effectively. This will increase the profitability of the organizations because you will know how to navigate the problem in interactive and traditional marketing. In marketing the products and services, it must be integrated across all media in order to promote what companies could offer. Many big companies right now such as PLDT, Smart, Coca-Cola are really great in promoting their products through advertisements. Through media and technology as the strategic key, companies could market their products easily and attracts consumers to buy their products.

According to what I have researched in , the rise of digital communication in the late 20th century has made it possible for media organizations to deliver text, audio, video material over the same wired, wireless, or fiber-optic connections. This would help the advertisement more productive and make the consumer to be updated with following product. Technology really innovate the world, of the needs of the people and how technology dictates the needs of the people. Marketing Convergence affects about his and more of products. As it is concern with money, it is contributed the economy of such thing. This is what we called the exchange of money of the prepared of the contract. Though many have the capabilities in making money, still we need to do such things that would help us to make money.

What is the purpose of marketing convergence? In the market there is always a competition. Competition between the sellers and the sellers, buyers and the buyers, the sellers and the buyers; this may result to death consumers. Consumers demand what they really want and what are their needs. It is a fact that consumers could also have a better idea. Since we are talking about marketing convergence, the merging of technologies in the market would help to make the product more attractive, useful and surely became famous since it is based on the demand of the consumers. Somehow consumers became prosumers. Prosumers means tht consumers now became productive. Productive in a sense that they could also compete others businesses and demand what are their needs.

People could not only consumers and producers but actually cn have both. Life is  cycle, consumers will buy the product from the producers and consumer’s idea could also produce products that a producer could buy that idea. Years pass by people became demanding and technology innovation has a greater impact. Technology innovations became big because of the people great ideas and the revolution in the society. For now, market became bigger and marketers must be focus on the needs of the consumers in order they could purchase more and also producer could also be consumers. They could also buy their own produce products.

Is producers is easy as we thought? Yes, why not, if do you have an idea and you want to create this in reality then why pursue it especially if you have the passion with it. Easy as it was, other may say but did you imagine how difficult it is to think of an idea. Idea that you must consider what people really wants and what would be the benefits of the consumers if you really want them to buy your products. It is not a short process that you just say then that was it but fortunately you must consider things, the factors and the funding for the product that you wanted to create or to produce.

The products and services of a certain producers must not only just their creations because it is the demand of the consumers but rather how you attract people to buy your product. It is necessary to promote your products in order to consider the fact that consumer only recognize things if they are promoting the products or service very well through advertisements. Through media, competition became tougher because of the mere fact that they must attract people with their ads. Companies really had to think great advertisements for their products to trademark in stock market and became number one in the economy. These would possible made by the marketing convergence. These merging of technologies in the market is probably has a greater impact and became more productive.

Competition becomes tougher especially in advertisements of the bigger companies. Their ads is not only simple ads but rather more attractive to consumers. As we observe now in the media, promoting their products or services is through singing, dancing, acting and others now are very high-tech regarding with their ads. Ads that attracts you and convince you, you could not doubt to buy those products or acquired that service. The ads must also consider that it must convince the consumers that this is product that consumers really demand for. Consider the things that the needs of a certain customer in a society must fulfilled their needs. In considering such things could possibly make things became success in terms of producing a quality products of the consumers.

Therefore, marketing convergence really had bigger impact between the consumers and producers. Through this, it could help the progress of our economy. It contributes the progress of the economy and the nations. In line with this, technology innovations became more productive in terms of having great ideas not only to producers as well as consumers. Only remember things that when do you want to create products or to think services, think of what people really wants and demands. In media, think of what people could attract and help you convince them to buy your products.

Think of an idea, create, put passion, think of strategic plans and maybe someday you could create your own product and became successful through marketing convergence.