Sunday, July 22, 2012

Learning's on the Alternative mindset and Job Creation

Mindset is a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determine somebody’s behavior and outlook, according to Encarta Dictionaries. It is what a person’s point of view, the person’s approach into something and also by his/her attitude towards something. People’s mindset is determined either in a right or wrong; good or bad; that depends on how they act and how they view themselves. There are two kinds of mindset which are the usual mindset and the alternative mindset.

Usual mindset is what we often do and what our belief is. Example of this usual mindset is a student sends by their parents to go to school; get good grades to graduate and work in the company which offers a high salary. This is what we call the usual mindset, where the parents send their child to go to school and after graduated, he/she will work on the company that offers them a high salary. Usual mindset has advantages and disadvantages in the accordance onto prospect of the graduates. Most companies in other places like Manila and Cebu took advantage to our graduates who offer them higher salary. Also, most of the best graduates are looking for high salary that is why they go to other places and work with the bigger companies without knowing that they are mostly needed in our society. Here in Davao, the best graduates are working in other places and get a higher salary that was offer by them than what Davao can give. However, the average graduates will try to remain here which they have difficulty in finding jobs. Though, if ever the average graduates have work here in Davao, they still have a lower salary due to employment.

It is a reality that most of the best graduates here in Davao really excel in the companies they are working for. This is according to what I have heard in my reliable source. This is really not good especially here in Davao. For me, it is a dilemma that our best graduates give services for the developments of others not here in Davao. It must not be prolong the agony that Davao is now adopting. Yes, I believe that it is not a good practice for our best graduates I quoted “tayo ang nagsaing iba ang kumain”.

The routine of the usual mindset is what normally most people have, and regarding to what others will lookout for. The perspective of the usual mindset is according to what is usually done by others. Parents raise their child to school and then get an employment to work and get salary, the traditional way people are looking forward for especially for their child. Though this practice is good but on the other hand it is not really a good practice to anybody. We know that being an employee to a certain company is not as good as we expected. In a company, if you are an employee, you will work with your boss and do the task that is told you to do so. Are you satisfied with this scenario? Are you willing to just wait what your boss will command at you? Well, I think you cannot survive unless you will be having a good boss.

If there is what we call usual mindset probably there is an alternative mindset. What is alternative mindset? Simply denote which is something different, simpler and practical that is better than from the usual mindset. During in the discussion in our class, the alternative mindset is what we call the technopreneurship mindset. Student will go to school, get good grades and own a company and most likely contributes for the technology innovation here in Davao. If you have alternative mindset, when you own your company, surely you will fully use your skills, your great mind, your ideas, creativity, and the passion of creating new technology. What I have listened in the discussion, IT graduate could start their own technology business plans as start-ups through the technology business incubators, which will be an IT hub. The incubator will be their hub in which a person’s personality will be molded, his/her skills and abilities will be practice and great ideas would greatly come up. Regarding with this, venture capitalists will invest their high products and will help graduates to become well equip. Also, the local IT industry will induce economic growth because they will compete with domestic and the global market in IT commercial business. The graduates together with their abilities of innovation and of being as technopreneur, would help them to change Davao as one of the next wave city through technology.

It has a bigger difference between the usual mindset and alternative mindset. As what I have differentiate the two, alternative mindset has a bigger impact than the usual mindset. When you say about the usual mindset, it simply means of typical and the traditional way towards your behavior and outlook. Usual mindset only determines the viewpoint of something where for my example in the first part is go to school, get good grades and be an employee on a certain company. If you are an IT graduate and excels in that field then bigger IT Companies in other places will grab the opportunity to have you, and will offers you a higher salary. Of course, if you are using the usual mindset then, you would actually work for them. It is not good since, these graduates in fact would only help for the development of others not in where they really came from. Especially in creating new technologies, most IT professionals that came from for example here in Davao are working for others and do not helping the development of their own city. The point of the usual mindset is what you prospect of your beliefs and the customary that you look at for. However, the alternative mindset is better than the usual mindset, why I say so? You will create your own company, your skills will be practice, the abilities will grow more, easily think great ideas and the best thing is you will really enjoy the passion of doing what you really love. The point of view of the alternative mindset is not only for the good of your own but you could also help your own society. If you are living here in Davao, and you have this kind of mindset then, you truly help Davao not only for the development but also you will help to raise a higher commercial through technology. Alternative mindset, known to be technopreneurship helps to develop technology and enterprise it. Many local IT professionals that are innovating together with their own companies are now successful. There is a rumor that Davao now will be the next wave city, believe it or not, Davao is really coping with new technologies and excels with it through graduates to being an IT professionals.

In this thought, I imagine of choosing what the right mindset is really good. I am curious of owning an IT company and of course I am thinking of what should really I am after I will graduate with my course. During the discussion we had in our class, I thought of this two mindset which are the usual mindset and alternative mindset. I learned their differences, the impact of the mindset towards a person and to deal with the society. First impression, I believe I belong to the usual mindset because I actually look at going to school, to graduate and to work with the company with a high salary. That is what I am looking for myself, the traditional way of why parents send their child to school. I only once view myself owning a company since I am not thinking of it, all I want is to work and earn money, nothing more. Am I selfish with that? Well, whether you like it or not, that is my outlook towards my future. Suddenly, I am wondering what if I will build my own company. Though building a company is really difficult, but if you have the will, the passion and ideas in creating innovations, surely you will greatly be in success. Tenhnopreneurship mindset, I believe it will help you to have positive outlook in life. Some of the local IT professionals are helping to build a new nation where they starting to build IT parks and making a new road for everyone. The alternative mindset start from incubator which is start ups where graduate could practice his abilities, be molded and train to start his career as a technopreneur. Then, little by little as soon as he/she is ready building his/her own company, then he/she will be accompanied by the IT professionals from his/her steps. With this, many venture capitalists would attract and invest to help graduates to train for free and this is not for themselves but also for the good of the society. It simply means that before we help others, start with your own place. Bring the name of your place. Innovates with others and you are helping with each other. Alternative mindset here in Davao is starting to help graduates so that they will no longer go to other places but rather stay for the goodness of Davao.

What is Job Creation in Technopreneurship? There are roles of technoprenuership in job creation. During the discussion in the class, technopreneurship defines entrepreneurship in the field of technology. Entrepreneurship means starting up a new business. In the slide presentation and my research at google, it mentions a course model which is SEED; S for Self Mastery, E for Environment Mastery, another e for Enterprise Mastery and d for Development of Business Plan. Self-mastery is the passion that comes from knowing yourself, knowing what you really want. In order to be successful in the business, a technoprenuer must have to master himself. Self-mastery must know his strengths and weaknesses. Must have higher emotional quotient (EQ) and adversity quotient (AQ) rather than having a higher IQ. If you achieve this mastery then you can handle any situation in business. Environment mastery will seek opportunities out from his/her environment through serendipity works, crises, trends etc., and will generate business ideas. Also, environment must only see opportunities not problems and understands what industry is. Enterprise mastery is on how to run a business and must have the knowledge of the different enterprise disciplines such as creating management, risk management, financial management, operations management, and marketing management. These different enterprise disciplines must understand and integrates the functions of the management. Lastly, the development of business plan is writing a business plan, you present and defend it, and also you could add refinement from the presented business plan.

In every steps of journey, you must always consider of having the quality. Being an entrepreneur, you must have the characteristics of hard working, profit-oriented, goal-oriented, self-confident, responds to feedback, risk-taker and so on. An entrepreneur becomes a technopreneur when a technology idea owner ventures the idea into a commercial reality. There are some basic facts that are shared in our class like “Businesses start from ideas, but ideas alone do not make the business”. Truly most of the businesses start from an idea, person’s idea, imagination that actually comes in to reality. Reality depends on how you value your idea, how far you pursue your idea and idea to greater ideas. Unfortunately, ideas alone do not make business, think of this, an idea is always an idea but if you do not work for it, fight for it then you really do not want a business rather you just wasting your ideas. What I have shared here that we had discussed in our class and my research, if you really want to be successful choose what you really want to do. If you want to own a company, use alternative mindset, be a technopreneur, learn the things that an entrepreneur must have and the characteristics to pursue your goal in life.

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